Monday, November 16, 2009

Long Time No Blogging

It has been a while since I have updated my blog since we got home. Things have been going well. A huge thanks to all those who helped and supported us through that hard time. Jonah is doing good. We are still going in for weight check each week to make sure he is gaining weight. But it is really frustrating because he is down right now an ounce. But who really knows if that is true because of the scale. We have done this multiple times once they weighed him 4 different times on same scale same day and there were 4 different weights. They did thins last week again twice same result. I am getting super frustrated with the whole weighing thing.. I need to talk to the Dr. and see what we can do. Besides that He got hiss stitches almost all out and that was a nightmare no joke 1 hr of screaming and me holding him. He still does have two left that will hopefully grow out we are just watching them.

Jonah is our little miracle baby we love him and are so blessed to have him in our family. Right now we are just stying close to home to avoid germs and sickness. Jonah cannot get any immunizations or flu shots things like that until six weeks after surgery. That would be the beginning of Dec. It is coming up soon though hurray. We are doing great and are getting excited for the holidays to come. Faith for sure cannot wait for Christmas.

1 comment:

Jennifer said...

The only thing I can think to make Jonah weigh more is to feed him in the parking lot before you go in to weigh him, that should give him a few ounces. Glad he is do good. My friends 9 month old baby passed away about the time Jonah had surgery, I am so glad that he is doing great. Is it hard to see such little ones in the hospital.