Tuesday, October 20, 2009


There is never any place like home. We have our little family back together. The trip home seemed long only because I was anxious to get there. Thanks to my mom she decorated the house and made a sign that said "Welcome Home my Fam-o-wee" this is how Faithy says it. Loved it. Great to have family that supports you so well.

Now for the healing part for Jonah. He is doing good but will not eat very well and that is not a good sign. We have Dr.s appts. today and Thursday for him to get his stitches out. I will have to post some pictures of his battle wombs they are not very pretty right now.

Well it is great to be home!


Tacey said...

YAY!! I am so glad you guys are back. Hopefully you can get things back to normal again. Best of Luck!

Heather said...

Glad you are home!