Monday, October 12, 2009

Pace Maker

We came in today to the CVICU where Jonah was and plans have changed. They were going to take him for a pace maker on Tuesday and do a swallow study today. Well the nurse came in and said that they were doing the pace maker today at 2 or 3:00pm CA time. So they are postponing the swallow study and will do that another day. They are also going to do an ENT test where they put a scope down his thoat to look at his vocal cords. Which will be good to see how things are working because they have been thickening his formula because it is easier for him to swallow and not cough everytime he eats. But besides that I think Jonah is really sick of just laying in his bed for 12 days now. I can't hold him because of the pacing wires. But secretly one of the Dr.s let me hold him for 10 minutes while he was standing right there. YEH! I will let you know how the surgery goes today. Also try and put more pictures on somewhere.

1 comment:

jilljohnson said...

Good luck today with the pace maker. We will say a few extra prayers for the little guy today.